I too have had such an experience when I was asleep in a room I shared with my younger sister while we were summering at my grandmother’s estate. The house had stood for 100 years, a home of many rooms which had seen a number of deaths. It was my job to light the lamp and accompany my sister down the hallway should she have to relieve herself and on this night I reacted as solicitously as always. I heard footsteps, heavier than my slight sister’s but thought little of this for within seconds a small, cool hand shook my shoulder. I turned. Saw nothing in the dark yet thought little of this as well -- I sensed a breeze through the open doorway as it shifted slightly, then heard more footsteps moving towards the commode. I assumed it was my sister--impatient, slightly grumpy and drowsy. Yet when I lit the lamp my sister was curled up in her bed, asleep. Unlike you I had no one to turn to--my grandmother would have been cross should I awaken her. I must admit that e’er after I kept the light on even in later years. It has also become habit when I visit my grandmother’s estate, now in the good hands of my eldest brother, to listen for those footsteps. And sometimes alone on my childhood bed I startle awake for no apparent reason despite the many remedies recommended by my physicians.
My dear, dear Carmilla I hear your plight and would like to offer good sound advice but I have none.
A fascinating recounting, Lady Nells, and I think it quite sensible to keep the light on, even years later. Strange things creep in the shadows--best not to give them more room to move about. have you ever caught a glimpse of this specter?
Apologies for the late reply as well, the books have been chewing on the ethereal net cables again and I only just got the connection back up and running.
No I have not--however there are two more incorporeal beings in the house both of whom have proven more active. To tell their story would take time away from the missives from the lovely castle Styria. But as it is rude to ignore curiosity once having been stimulated in another soul I promise to, if the occasion should occur, discuss these encounters further when the similarities between the heroine and myself coincide in synchronistic playfulness and horror.
Miss Fenwick I am so sorry for the long delay in my replies, the aethernet has been, shall we say, temperamental ever since the campus descended into chaos. I’m quite fascinated by your story and would love to hear about these other beings you speak of, should you choose to share.
And thank you for sticking with this story, it’s lovely talking to someone outside this library.
Dear Carmilla,
I too have had such an experience when I was asleep in a room I shared with my younger sister while we were summering at my grandmother’s estate. The house had stood for 100 years, a home of many rooms which had seen a number of deaths. It was my job to light the lamp and accompany my sister down the hallway should she have to relieve herself and on this night I reacted as solicitously as always. I heard footsteps, heavier than my slight sister’s but thought little of this for within seconds a small, cool hand shook my shoulder. I turned. Saw nothing in the dark yet thought little of this as well -- I sensed a breeze through the open doorway as it shifted slightly, then heard more footsteps moving towards the commode. I assumed it was my sister--impatient, slightly grumpy and drowsy. Yet when I lit the lamp my sister was curled up in her bed, asleep. Unlike you I had no one to turn to--my grandmother would have been cross should I awaken her. I must admit that e’er after I kept the light on even in later years. It has also become habit when I visit my grandmother’s estate, now in the good hands of my eldest brother, to listen for those footsteps. And sometimes alone on my childhood bed I startle awake for no apparent reason despite the many remedies recommended by my physicians.
My dear, dear Carmilla I hear your plight and would like to offer good sound advice but I have none.
Lady Nells Fenwick
A fascinating recounting, Lady Nells, and I think it quite sensible to keep the light on, even years later. Strange things creep in the shadows--best not to give them more room to move about. have you ever caught a glimpse of this specter?
Apologies for the late reply as well, the books have been chewing on the ethereal net cables again and I only just got the connection back up and running.
-- The Archivist
My dearest Archivist Dreadful,
No I have not--however there are two more incorporeal beings in the house both of whom have proven more active. To tell their story would take time away from the missives from the lovely castle Styria. But as it is rude to ignore curiosity once having been stimulated in another soul I promise to, if the occasion should occur, discuss these encounters further when the similarities between the heroine and myself coincide in synchronistic playfulness and horror.
Until then thank you for your reply,
Best Regards,
Miss Nell Fenwick
Miss Fenwick I am so sorry for the long delay in my replies, the aethernet has been, shall we say, temperamental ever since the campus descended into chaos. I’m quite fascinated by your story and would love to hear about these other beings you speak of, should you choose to share.
And thank you for sticking with this story, it’s lovely talking to someone outside this library.
-- The Archivist